What's happening in December


Hello Journey!


There are some important things coming up at Journey here in East Dallas. 


  • We have been contacted by a social worker to help provide a blessing to a local family. There are three kids and one grandmother. We have been asked to provide an outfit and a gift for each of them. You can see more details using this link:


Christmas Blessing


  • Please read all of the information carefully.

  • If you are a Journey Online attender and want to participate by sending something, let me know and we can arrange a shipment

  • Sunday is Prayer, Potluck, and Decoration.
    • During the gathering we’ll take time to pray and anoint anyone who desires it (I encourage anyone who is feeling down, sick, hurt, etc. to be prayed over)
    • After the gathering we’ll eat together. Bring your favorite appetizer or finger food, and I believe we’ll also have some fried fish. 👍🏻
    • During that time we’ll also decorate for Christmas.
  • Christmas Eve Gathering is Tuesday at 5:00 PM. Afterwards, you’re invited to stay for a few minutes for cookies and cocoa. Be sure to invite a neighbor!

Let me know if you have any questions.
