What is Advent?
Advent is a time of intentional waiting. The word Advent comes from the Latin word Adventus, meaning arrival or coming, particularly of something having great importance. For centuries, Christians have spent the 4 weeks leading up to Christmas preparing their hearts, minds, and bodies for the arrival of Jesus, thanking God for his first coming to earth as a baby and celebrating his presence among us through the Holy Spirit. It is also a time of expectation for his arrival to earth again, which is realized more and more each day as the Holy Spirit works in our lives. Advent is a time for us to prepare our hearts in this season of hurry and consumerism for the gift God has given us through his son.
Why should you participate in Advent?
Significance of waiting
The essential practice of Advent is moving slowly. In our culture, we have access to nearly anything we desire. Our most common experience in waiting are the brief moments after a click for the postal worker to drop off a package at our doorstep. Yet the most significant experiences in our lives require time. As Paul says in Romans 8, “the creation is in waiting in eager expectation…” The themes of Advent are hope, peace, joy, and love. True and lasting hope, peace, joy and love take time. These cannot be rushed. They are experienced more and more as each second of the journey unfolds, providing a more realistic and more full glimpse of what is true. Of course we will not know these in their fullest expression before we feast at the table of glory. Until then, we wait!
How to use this guide
This guide was created for your family to create space to prepare for the celebration of the arrival of Christ. In this guide you will find suggestions and activities for you to participate in as a family and scripture for you to read weekly that will challenge you to think creatively about how to respond to Jesus. You will notice the booklet contains a reading for each week of Advent. These readings are designed to guide a time of being present to one another and to the work of our God who surrounds us. Our hope is that each family would set aside time each week to engage with the ideas in each weekly reading. In a culture where we are constantly juggling multiple tasks, one of the greatest gifts we can offer is our undivided attention. Our prayer is that as a family, you will all be able to press pause, silencing all distractions and being present to one another. Blessings on you and yours as you begin a journey to explore, prepare, and create!
How to use this guide
This guide was created for your family to create space to prepare for the celebration of the arrival of Christ. In this guide you will find suggestions and activities for you to participate in as a family and scripture for you to read weekly that will challenge you to think creatively about how to respond to Jesus. You will notice the booklet contains a reading for each week of Advent. These readings are designed to guide a time of being present to one another and to the work of our God who surrounds us. Our hope is that each family would set aside time each week to engage with the ideas in each weekly reading. In a culture where we are constantly juggling multiple tasks, one of the greatest gifts we can offer is our undivided attention. Our prayer is that as a family, you will all be able to press pause, silencing all distractions and being present to one another. Blessings on you and yours as you begin a journey to explore, prepare, and create!
Each reading has seven sections. Every week begins with an opening prayer. This prayer is under the heading BEGIN. These prayers are informed by the scripture and thoughts you will soon encounter. It is the perfect place to prepare for what is to come. Pro Tip: before praying, take 3 deep breaths together.
The next section is titled IMAGINE. This section serves as a primer to the rest of the reading. This is also where you light the candle of the Advent Wreath. Pro Tip: choose a different person to light the candle each week.
The third section, STORY, is the weekly scripture. These scriptures will help us to embrace the hopes of a Savior whose arrival will change the world as we know it.
As you interact with each weekly reading, we provided a space called SKETCH. This is a space to draw a picture, write a poem, or doodle. You can use the space provided or hand out a piece of blank paper to everyone. This section serves as a way for those who aren’t reading to actively participate as well as capturing the thoughts of this time in a creative way. Pro Tip: get a roll of butcher or kraft paper and decorate it with paint, markers, or crayons each week. You can use the finished product as wrapping paper for gifts.
BLOOM is the fifth section. This is the section where you will deviate from the script and spend time in prayer. Everyone is encouraged to offer a prayer during this time. Pro Tip: consider praying for friends, family, and neighbors. Keep a list of these requests and thanksgivings throughout Advent.
After you spend time in prayer, each weekly reading contains an invitation to leverage your families abilities, influence, and resources to bless your neighbors. This section is titled DREAM. Each dream section is a template for how you might respond to the readings. Feel free to be creative with this time. Pro Tip: Keep it simple!
Finally, each weekly reading ends with a closing prayer or a BLESSING. Each blessing serves as a concluding thought and a challenge to allow this time to shape you as a family. Pro Tip: make the most of these blessings. Parents, prayerfully speak these blessings over your children.
Did you know… Advent music is different from Christmas music. While they aren’t as popular as our favorite Christmas songs, there are quality options that will help this process of setting aside time to explore, prepare, and create. Here are a few options for you to consider. These albums will serve as great reminders to pause during a busy season.