2023 - A Review

2023 was a great year and I was filled with joy as I looked back over all of the photos. One of my favorite things to do at the end of any project (or year) is to start compiling stats to see if anything interesting can be observed. If nothing else, it is a perfect opportunity for me to pick my head up and look at the big picture. 


I have put some of the interesting number below, and before you look at these stats, remember that at the end of the day it's not about statistics, money, or even growth simply to grow. It's about people.


My favorite thing about looking at these stats and then talking to people who visit us is seeing how long the connections are before we even meet someone on a Sunday. We had a visitor that we first connected with two years ago at an event at McKenzie. We also had a recent visitor who signed for an event last summer and didn't make it, but when they decided to get serious about church, our connection points brought her to the forefront. 


These stats represent your efforts and your generosity to following the ways of Jesus and being present in our community.


As you get ready to look t these stats I encourage you to say a prayer of thanksgiving for 2023 and a prayer of opportunity for 2024. 


Jeremy from Journey


You prayed first right?!


Cool Journey Statistics 2023



  • Added 260 people to our database
    • 44 New people attended a service and checked in
    • Averaged 30.9 people per Sunday
  • Easter was the highest attended Sunday - 78 people
  • 26 people Christmas Eve morning
  • 36 Christmas Eve
  • 636 Movie on the Wall Attendees
  • 10.1 people a week for Journey Online
  • 30 STEAM Camp Students



  • 17,000 people visited our website
  • We regularly place in the top 10 if you 



  • Used $97,300 of Google Ad Grant Money (free money for us!)
  • Spent $743.45 on Facebook/Instagram Advertising
    • Average $0.36/link click (about $0.14 better than the average of Meta ads)
    • These are ads targeted to people within a 5-6 mile radius of our building.


Social Media


  • Reached 55,323 people on facebook
  • 3,841 people visited our Facebook page (up 189.4% over the previous year)
  • 129 new people liked our facebook page
  • Highest Facebook post was a video about Jesus knowing your temptations



  • Reached 5,658 on Instagram
  • 208 People visited our Instagram Account
  • 28 New instagram Followers
  • Highest reaching post was a video about Jesus being with you



  • Highest performing video was a silly video about Potlucks
  • 2nd highest was a video about loving your enemies



  • 70 new subscribers
  • 189.2 hours of video watched
  • 78.7% of that watch time are people who aren’t subscribed to us
  • Most watched video was a 0:37 clip titled “loving enemies is sweeter than honey”



  • Top 3 Songs
    • Goodness of God
    • Holy Forever
    • Great Are you Lord
  • 16 different people helped on Sunday mornings
  • 6 new people